What If There Were No Gray Wolves? A Book About The Temperate Forest Ecosystem, written by Suzanne Slade and illustrated by Carol Schwartz
Description from the publisher (Picture Window Books): " Deciduous forest ecosystems can be found on nearly every continent. Countless animals and plants live in them. So what difference could the loss of one animal species make? Follow the chain reaction, and discover how important gray wolves are." Text Features: Nonfiction picture book "It's Critical" word boxes with additional explanation of keywords Diagram of a Temperate Forest Ecosystem Glossary, Learn More and Index sections Critical Literacy Suggestions: Read & Discuss: BEFORE reading discussion ideas: Why might a whole book have been written exploring the title question? What's an ecosystem? What's a temperate forest ecosystem? (After reading the blurb) What do think a chain reaction is? Ask children if they have ever seen a domino 'chain reaction' – this might help them infer the term's meaning! (if not, revisit this question after reading the book) AFTER reading discus...